Hello, my name is Ian Davis, I’m a self-employed product design engineer with 28 years of experience operating a machine shop in Southern Oregon USA. 2017 marked the beginning of, medically, a rough couple of years for me. 2017, I broke my back, 2018 I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and underwent an autologous stem cell transplant, and in 2019 I had 4 fingers amputated from my left hand. After being unable to find a partial hand prosthetic device durable enough to meet my needs, I decided that the best course of action would be to design and build a prosthetic hand myself.† This led me to start a YouTube channel where I’ve been documenting this process and sharing some of the challenges and successes I’ve had along the way. To date, I’ve designed 11 devices, each with a unique set of features. The current version is nearing the point where I’ll be able to make it available as a DIY kit. Follow my progress on YouTube at @missingpartsclub